

Dark brown wool plain weave picked with reddish wool weft, known as Krabbasnår. Probably from a cushion or pillow. The warp density is 24 threads per centimetre, with thin threads. The base weft is six threads per centimetre, thicker than the warp. The pattern weft is thicker than the base weft. Notably redder than the base. The pattern, which is geometric in the form of diamond-shapes, is visible on a small part of the 5 x 11 cm fragment, but the weft can be distinguished in the other parts too. Grave find, Birka, Bj 660, Adelsö Parish, Uppland.
Image rights: Myrin, Ola/SHM (Creative Commons Erkännande 4.0 Internationell Publik Licens)
Object number: 1090088_HST

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