Openwork ornament made of oak from Hemse Stave Church. The ornament is the only one preserved from, probably, a number of others which have disappeared. It is uncertain where they were positioned in the church, but they were probably attached to one of the gables, or alternatively on the ends of the roof-ridges. The ornament depicts a dragon head, in the same style as those on the portal planks of the church. Not complete in its current form. Older depictions show that it also had an upwards and backwards looping nose, which has fallen off. The ornament was found with other pieces from the structure of Hemse Stave Church, under the floor of the Romanesque stone church in Hemse. Hemse Church, Hemse Parish, Gotland.
Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 858388_HST
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