Ring brooch
Bronze penannular brooch, coated in thin gold silver plates. The silver plates are engraved with meandering animal figures, entrelac, and spirals. In the centre of the ring part is a four-sided, filigreed yellow field. The ends of the rings are curved up, with thin gold sheets. One is shaped like a backward arched dragon's head, while the second creates the pin holder. Above there is a bridge with a gold filigreed animal ribbon decoration, framed by niello carved rope pattern along the edges. On the back edge of the middle of the ring is a dragon's head, mouth agape, filled with teeth. This is also coated with yellow silver plate and thin gold plate. Stray find, Tingstäde Parish, Gotland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 106567_HST
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