Rune sheet
Oblong bronze plate inscribed with runes. The 108 rune inscription runs in two bands on both sides of the plate. The inscription, which is a galder, a kind of magical song which would be sung in a high voice in, for example, rituals, is an incantation against evil spirits which runs: "I use magical powers against the spirit, against the walking, against the riding, against the running, against the sitting, against the sinking, against the travelling, against the flying spirit. Everything shall lose its vitality and die.' The plate was found by chance in 1920 when new graves were dug at Högstena kyrkogård, Högstena Parish, Västergötland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 107863_HST
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