Coin (penning)
Danish silver coin minted around 995 for king Sweyn Forkbeard (986–1014) based on the English model. On the obverse side of the coin there is the inscription 'SVEN REX AD DENER' ('Sweyn King of the Danes'). The coin is the first to be minted in Denmark bearing the name of a domestic king. The obverse side of the coin bears the inscription GODPINE M AN DNER ('Godwine moneyer in Denmark'). The name of the moneyer Godwine also appears on Norwegian and Swedish coins. Part of a hoard find from Näs, Österåker Parish, Uppland.
COPY. The original can be seen in the exhibition Money! at the Economy museum.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 300522_KMK
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