Silver crucifix Moulded, equal-armed cross surrounded by a narrow edge trim. On the other side a carrying loop with a silver ring with braided together ends. On both sides there is a Christ with naked upper body, tied to the cross and with loin cloth knotted around the waist. On the one side he is wearing a crown of thorns and above his head there is semi circular arc, possibly a Halo. The feet pointing down. On the other side Christ is depicted with a goatee beard, a small cross above the head and with feet spread outwards. These differences suggest that the crucifix is Nordic craftwork, taking inspiration from the Byzantine model. Part of a hoard find, Lilla Klintegårde, Väskinde Parish, Gotland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 107843_HST
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