Ring cross
A large "Irish Dragon cross" of thin bronze plate. In the centre there is a large, hemispherical buckle. Four smaller buckles are placed out in the arms of the cross. The upper side has a partially preserved coating of silver and tin. The central parts are engraved with diamond shapes, small crosses and volutes in swirling patterns. Small holes at the far ends of the cross arms, and in four places on the closed ring, are traces of where it was attached to a base. The cross was lying in the corner of a woman's tomb and was wrapped in woollen fabric. It was probably originally attached to a coat, or a similar garment which was folded during burial and placed in the corner of the tomb. Provenance is western Europe (Ireland). Grave find, Birka, Bj 511, Adelsö Parish, Uppland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 555991_HST
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