Round silver pendant shaped like a female figure, partly covered by a ring. The woman is pregnant and is standing with legs apart, with hands clasped under her stomach. Her head and face seem to have been subject to some damage which erased her facial features and possible hairstyle. A pair of lines above her head might possibly be interpreted as a hat of some kind. The rest of the figure is clearer. Her cloak is held together at the collar with a button-topped fibula and over her chest hangs a set of beads with six rows. There is much to suggest that the pendant represents the goddess Freya, who, as well as being regarded as the foremost of the Valkyries was also invoked during pregnancy and childbirth. Grave find, Aska, Hagebyhöga Parish, Östergötland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 107873_HST
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