Box-shaped brooch
Gilded bronze box brooch. Richly decorated with silver plating, niello, soldered gold plates with filigree and granulation. The sides are ornamented with Scandinavian animal decoration using the chip-carving technique and are divided up by four silver-plated peaked 'posts" with niello decoration. Along the upper and lower edges run two differently executed carved ropes. The lid has four animal head knobs which converge on a large and similarly decorated central knob which has a red garnet. In the field between the animal head knobs are four 'face masks' with moustaches, in gold granulation. Stray find in a field, Nygårds, Västerhejde Parish, Gotland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 449147_HST
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