Linen fabric
Fragment of a patterned tapestry or possibly a cushion. The linen fabric originally had a pattern with a thicker thread which has not been preserved. The pattern is seen as holes in the woven fabric, which is where the pattern thread went through the background weave. The pattern consisted of 3 x 3 cm large cross shapes where the pattern thread went down at two warp thread intervals, but did not cover the whole surface. It is reminiscent of the popular "Krabbasnår" pattern. The pattern may originally have been woven or embroidered. The fact that a thread system has not been preserved may be due to it being a different material which does not preserve so well or because the thread was coloured with something which accelerated its decomposition. There are only a small number of preserved textiles of this type. The background weave is woven in plain weave 12 x 10-11 threads/cm. Part of a hoard find, Malmsmyr, Rone Parish, Gotland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 408148_HST
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