One of two runestones which originally stood at the boundary of what later became known as Torsätra Herrgård but which during the Viking Age was called Husa. Both stones were moved to the Swedish History Museum in 1967. The ornamentation, the appearance of the runes and the inscription all indicate that the stone was engraved by Visäte, sometime during the latter decades of the 11th century. The inscription begins at the runic animal's head and runs in and out of the body the length of the outer edge of the stone. It ends at the tail of the animal. In translation it runs thus: ”Skúli and Folki raised this stone in memory of their brother Húsbjǫrn. He fell ill while collecting payment on Gotland.” The text tells how Húsbjǫrn took part in a voyage from the mainland to the island to collect “geld” or tax. This tallies with a part of the medieval Gutasagan which tells of an old agreement between the Gutes and the Svear. The agreement stipulated that the Svear had the right to collect 60 marks of silver in geld (tax/tribute) from Gotland each year. 40 marks would go to the King and 20 to the Jarl. In return the Gutes would be given protection against attack and raids and the right to indulge in free trade with the Svear in their seas. U 614, Torsätra, Västra Ryd Parish, Uppland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 108185_HST
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