Rune sheet
Bronze runic plate with leather case. The small plate is engraved on both sides. The contents are contested, but in all likelihood it is an incantation. The relatively short inscription runs (according to one interpretation) 'Malevolent. Unne calls forth your destruction'. Thus the plate was intended to protect against someone with evil intent, but whether this person belonged to this or another world is not revealed by the inscription. The runic plate was enclosed in a leather pouch, which had clears traces of having been a hanging device, and which was worn as an amulet, which is also supported by the nature of the inscription. Grave find, Veddesta, Järfälla Parish, Uppland.
Image rights: Ola Myrin, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0
Object number: 836881_HST
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